
The main goal of the action of EDIA-N is the development of cellular and animal models, as well as new biological markers for neurodegenerative diseases, aiming at the individualized approach.

Work Unit Objectives:

  • Development of research in the field of neurodegenerative diseases, through the utilization of the existing potential, with the aim of developing new individualized therapies that will target basic pathogenetic mechanisms and will have a nosodulatory effect, as well as the development of new biological indicators that can in treatment, or prognostic-diagnostic indicators
  • Development and utilization of in vitro cellular models of neurodegenerative diseases in order to find the underlying mechanisms, new therapeutic targets and biological indicators.
  • Development and utilization in vivo of animal experimental models of neurodegenerative diseases, with the aim of finding the underlying mechanisms, new therapeutic targets and biological indicators.
  • Thorough phenotypic characterization of animal models of neurodegenerative diseases
  • Development of new more effective therapeutic approaches through their application in experimental models of neurodegeneration