of the creation of a national record – Register of Neurodegenerative Diseases and their Precursor Forms, with a focus on early-preclinical diagnosis that will allow early early therapeutic intervention and, in the second year, clinical trials in people in the early-preclinical stages and not in the clinical phase of the disease or even in the final stages, as is currently the case, due to the lack of diagnostic and prognostic tools. It also focuses on the creation of registries for individual neurodegenerative diseases in Greece.
The creation of registries for individual neurodegenerative diseases in Greece is an urgent need. These national records with the systematic collection of information can be particularly useful for both public health and current research, and can be used in the future in the light of emerging diagnostic tests, targeted medications and the search for people to participate in clinical studies. Some neurodegenerative diseases are purely genetic (eg Huntington’s disease), others, such as those in the spectrum of frontal degeneration / lateral myotrophic sclerosis, often occur sporadically, but many cases are inherited-genetic. However, the majority of the most common diseases (Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis) occur mainly sporadically and only rarely as inherited forms due to gene mutations with varying degrees of penetration. Therefore, the register will contribute to the more complete mapping and geographical distribution of hereditary degenerative diseases in Greece. It will be very important to record in the Register precursors of neurodegenerative diseases, such as precursors of Parkinson’s disease in the general population, patients with orthopedic REM Sleep Behavior Diosrder (RBD), who are at significant risk of developing Parkinson’s disease or other neurodegenerative disease. type of synuclein disease in the coming years, people with Subjective Mental Disorder, as well as relatives of patients, asymptomatic carriers of genetic mutations, which lead with high penetration to the development of neurodegenerative diseases.